Wednesday, February 8, 2012


1-We come to love not by finding a perfect person, but by learning to see an imperfect person perfectly.
2-Have you ever wondered which hurts the most: saying something and wishing you had not, or saying nothing, and wishing you had?
3- People who are willing to get off their a** to search the entire room for the TV remote because they refuse to walk to the TV and change the channel manually.
4-In the end, it's not going to matter how many breaths you took, but how many moments took your breath away 
5-When life gives you a hundred reasons to cry, show life that you have a thousand reasons to smile.


1-Friendship is like peeing on yourself: everyone can see it, but only you get the warm feeling that it brings.
2-The man who smiles when things go wrong has thought of someone to blame it on.
3-Time is a great teacher, but unfortunately it kills all its pupils
4-Never take life seriously. Nobody gets out alive anyway.
5-When I die, I want to go peacefully like my Grandfather did, in his sleep -- not screaming, like the passengers in his car.

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

SOLUTION 7/2/2012


1--The Moon.

2--A shadow

3--A lighthouse

4--OICU (Oh, I see you).

5--Number 7 on a phone keypad.


1--I control the sea but cannot touch it,
I am bound by time but do not keep it,
I am alone but surrounded by many.
What am I?

2--I follow you every day, leave you at night. I disappear when a cloud comes close. What am I?

3--What type of house weighs the least?

4--What four letters frighten a thief?

5--I live above a star but never burn. I have 11 neighbors but they never turn. My initials are p, q, r and sometimes s. What am I?

For solution refer SOLUTION 07/02/2012

Monday, January 30, 2012


Trick 8: x7x11x13
Step1: Think of a 3 digit number.
Step2: Multiply it with x7x11x13.

Ex: Number: 456, Answer: 456456 

SOLUTION 30/1/2012

1--The letter "e".
2--An hourglass.
3--To see time fly.   
4--First the farmer would take the chicken over.
Next he would come back and take the fox to the other side and bring the chicken back to the original side on his way back.
Then the farmer would take the bag of grain over and take it to the other side.
Finally, he would bring the chicken back over.



1--What is the beginning of eternity?
What is the end of life?
What is the end of time and space?
What is twice in a week, once in a year, and never in a day?
2--I am two bodies joined in one and the more I sit the more I run. Eventually I run out but I am without a doubt...
3--Why did the boy throw the watch out of the window?
4--A farmer needs to get across a river with his items. He has a chicken, a fox, and a bag of grain.
He has one boat. It is very small. He can only fit one item and himself in the boat at one time.
If he leaves the fox alone with the chicken, the fox will eat chicken. If he leaves the chicken alone with the bag of grain, the chicken will eat the grain.
How can he get all his items over without any of them getting eaten?
5--A man comes to the border of Mexico on a bike with to bags of sand.
He shows border patrol his papers. They check his bags and they're full of sand. They let him go across the border.
The next day he comes back to the border on a bike and two bags of sand. He shows border patrol his papers. They his bags and they're full of sand. They let him across the border.
This happens for a few days. What was he smuggling?
For solution refer SOLUTION 30/1/2012

Tuesday, January 24, 2012


Trick 7: 1089
Step1: Think of a 3 digit number.
Step2: Arrange the number in descending order.
Step3: Reverse the number and subtract it with the result.
Step4: Remember it and reverse the answer mentally.
Step5: Add it with the result, you have got.

Answer: 1089 

Saturday, January 21, 2012

SOLUTION 21/1/2012

1--A kangaroo.
2--One is in Eastern Oregon (Mountain time); the other in Western Florida (Central time), and the phone call takes place on daylight-savings-time changeover day at 1:30am.
3--Mount Everest.
Because it was still there before it was discovered.
4--Light one fuse at both ends and, at the same time, light the second fuse at one end. When the first fuse has completely burned, you know that a half hour has elapsed, and, more relevantly, that the second fuse has a half hour left to go. At this time, light the second fuse from the other end. This will cause it to burn out in 15 more minutes. At that point, exactly 45 minutes will have elapsed.
5--The letter C.  


1--What jumps when it walks and sits when it stands?
2--Two people are talking on the phone long distance. One is in an East Coast state of the U.S., the other is in a West Coast state of the U.S. The first asks the other, "What time is it?" He hears the answer and says, "That's funny. It's the same time here!" Neither one of them were mistaken about the time. How is this possible?
3--Before Mount Everest was discovered,
What was the Highest Mountain?
4--You have two slow-burning fuses, each of which will burn up in exactly one hour. They are not necessarily of the same length and width as each other, nor even necessarily of uniform width, so you can't measure a half hour by noting when one fuse is half burned. Using these two fuses, how can you measure 45 minutes?
5--It starts cars.
It helps make juice.
It usually finishes a topic.
What is it?
For solution refer SOLUTION 21/1/2012

Friday, January 20, 2012

SOLUTION 20/1/2012

   1 = "one 1" (or 11)
   11 = "two ones" (or 21)
   21 = "one two, one one" (or 1211)
3--A coin 
4--Your memories. 
5--A lawsuit.


1--1, 11, 21, 1211, 111221...
What comes next?
2--Make use of all these letters to create a 13-letter word!
3--I have a head but no arms.
I have a tail but no legs.
I am not alive, but I help people live.
What am I?
4--I am with you every time,
yet no one sees me.
I make you hold grudges,
and give you a reason to be happy.
As you get older I start to disappear.
What I am?
5--You do not want to have me,
But when you have me,
You do not want to lose me.
What am I?
For Solution refer SOLUTION  20/1/2012

Thursday, January 19, 2012

SOLUTION 19/1/2012


1--a River
4--A Watermelon.
5--They actually spent $25 + $2 tip = 27 and got back $1 each which = 30. In the first equation, the tip is part of the $27 dollars, but then calculated again instead of the $3 they got as change.


1--What has a mouth but never speaks, runs but has no legs and has a bed but never sleeps?
2--If you behead me once I become a piece of furniture; if you behead me twice, I become a partner of "ready"; if you restore me then I become a shelter for animals.
What am I?
3--Whats more powerful than God, more evil than the devil? The poor have, the Rich don't want, and if you have it you will die.
4--My house is green on the outside. My walls are white. My bed is red and full of babies. What am I?
5--Three men eat dinner in a restaurant. The bill is $25. They each put in $10. The waiter brings back five ones. They give the waiter a $2 tip and keep $1 each. So now each person spent $9. If 3x9=$27, plus $2 for tip = $29, where did the other dollar go?
For Solution refer SOLUTION 19/1/2012

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

SOLUTION 18/1/2012

3--A coffin.
4--A Map.
5--A thorn


 1--I'm a four-digit number! My 2nd digit is twice greater than my 3rd. The sum of all my digits is thrice greater than my last digit! The product of my 3rd and 4th digits is 12 times greater than the ratio of my 2nd to 3rd. What am I?
2--Can you find a 15-letter word that satisfies the following?
Letters 9,5,1,6 spell a part of speech
Letters 13,7,1,2,10,11 spell a verb that means moving up/away after hitting a surface.
Letters 15,12,4 spell a human organ
Letters 3,8,14,3 spell a soft, wet mass or pith
3--My maker does not need me.
My purchaser does not want me.
My user does not see me.
What am I?
4--I have forests, but no trees.
I have lakes, but no water.
I have roads, but no cars.
What Am I?
5--Soft and fragile is my skin
I get my growth in mud
I'm dangerous as much as pretty
For if not careful, I draw blood.
For Solution refer SOLUTION 18/1/2012

Monday, January 16, 2012

SOLUTION 16/1/2012


1--Because it's not possible to wipe a frosted window from the outside. You can
only wipe it from the inside. The police then knew that the person was lying.

2--1 minute.

3--Stop imagining.

4--A Volcano

5--A cloud!!!


1--In a house there was a murder scene. The police ask the neighbor of the person who died,"did you know who killed this person? The neighbor said, "No. While I was outside I saw a frost in the window. I wipe it, then I saw a person lying dead. After that they arrested the neighbor.

Why did they arrested the neighbor?

2--Horse A can run 1 lap per minute.
Horse B can run 2 laps per minute.
Horse C can run 4 laps per minute.
If they all start at the same time at the same place, how much long will take for each of them to meet back at the starting line?

3--Imagine you are in a house, no doors, no windows, no way out. How do you get out?

4--My thunder comes before my lightning, my lightning come before my clouds. Everything that my rain touches turns dry and dead. What am I?

5--I am lighter than air but not even one thousand men can lift me.
What am I?

For Solution refer SOLUTION 16/1/2012

Sunday, January 15, 2012


Trick 6: 1, 2, 4, 5, 7, 8
Step1: Choose a number from 1 to 6.
Step2: Multiply the number with 9.
Step3: Multiply the result with 111.
Step4: Multiply the result by 1001.
Step5: Divide the answer by 7.

Answer: All the above numbers will be present.

SOLUTION 15/1/2012


1--The match!

2--His first wife died.


4--The 6th. If you look at the first letter of each clue. It will spell MIDDLE. Which the middle house is the 6th one.


You can't make a mouselet with only one mouse.


1--There was a man. He was walking in the dark woods. The only thing he had with him was a match. He found a cottage but it was very cold. Inside, there was an old-fashioned stove, a candle, and a fireplace. Which should he light first?

2--John has been married 4 times, divorced 3 times and is not currently married. How can that be?

3--I can not be seen;
I can not be touched but i can be felt;
I can not be heard tasted or smelt;
The bigger I get the more fiery I am;
The smaller I get the colder you feel.
What Am I?

4--Professor Mike was on his way to a murder scene. He was on the street of the scene but does't know which house. There are 11 houses in a row and the murder scene is in one of them. Here are some clues.
My house is the red house.
I am far from the left.
Deep in a grave
Dare to solve the clues
Living next to the green one.
Even in my house is good.

By reading these clues which one of these houses is the one that has the murder scene?

5--A boy buys a female mouse from the pet store and brings it home. If one mouse
can give birth to 10 mouselets and after a week, those mouselets can give birth to 10 mouselets and after a week, those mouselets can give birth to 10 mouselets... so on and so on. How many mice will the boy have after three months?

For solution refer SOLUTION 15/1/2012

Saturday, January 14, 2012


Trick 5: 2 Single Digit Numbers
Step1: Think of 2 single digit numbers.
Step2: Take any one of the number among them and double it.
Step3: Add 5 with the result.
Step4: Multiply the result with 5.
Step5: Add the second number to the answer.
Step6: Subtract the answer with 4.
Step7: Subtract the answer again with 21.

Answer: 2 Single Digit Numbers.

SOLUTION 14/1/2012


1--She was on the first floor.

2--A bird's shadow!

3--The boy runs halfway across the bridge and turns around. The boy looks like he is running to the island and is sent to the mainland.

4--I am a ship.

5--"If I was to ask the other angel what path leads me to heaven, what would he say?" By doing this it doesn't matter which angel is which because you will always get the same answer (the lie). The angel of truth will tell you what the liar would say (the lie) and the angel of lies would lie about what the truth teller would say (the lie). So you just an angel and then take the opposite path of what they tell you.


1--There once was a woman looking out of the window of a skyscraper, enjoying the view.

She leaned against the glass pane and it popped out. She, along with the window pane, fell out of the 100 story building and hit the sidewalk.

With nothing to slow her fall or cushion her landing, she managed to walk away with only a few scratches.

How was this possible?

2--What is part of a bird
That flies through the sky
That can swim through an ocean and always stay dry?

3--A boy is stuck on a deserted island. There is a bridge to connect the island to the mainland. Halfway across the bridge there is a guard. The guard will not let anyone from the mainland to the island, or anyone from the island to the mainland. If the guard catches someone, he sends him or her back. The guard sleeps for 30 seconds and then is awake for 5 minutes. The island is surrounded by man-eating sharks, and the boy does not have anything with him except for his own shirt and his pants. It takes the boy 1 minute to cross the bridge. How does he cross the bridge without getting caught?

4--Weight in my belly
Trees on my back
Nails in my ribs
Feet i do lack
What am I?

5--You are walkin down a path that turns into a fork in the road. One path leads to heaven and one path leads to hell. You don't know which is which. Both paths are guarded by an angel. One angel always lies. The other angel always tells the truth. However, you don't know which angel is which either. If you can only ask one question to one angel, what question can you ask to figure out which path leads to heaven?

For Solution refer SOLUTION 14/1/2012

Friday, January 13, 2012


Trick 4: Same 3 Digit Number

Step1: Think of any 3 digit number, but each of the digits must be the same as. Ex: 333, 666.
Step2: Add up the digits.
Step3: Divide the 3 digit number with the digits added up.

Answer: 37



SOLUTION 13/1/2012


1--Trish did it. When you put the messege upside down. It says "SIS did it." Trish is her sister.

2--The correct combination is key no. 17 and LION room. Reason : If you turn the word LION by 189 degrees it shows NO. 17 .

3--Because he's a chicken! (chicken as in describing a non-brave)


5--The first hand he got a Jack of Spades and the third hand he got a Jack of Clubs. A Black Jack.


 Any Number
Step1: Think of any number.
Step2: Multiply the number you have thought with 3.
Step3: Add 45 with the result.
Step4: Double the result.
Step5: Divide the answer by 6.
Step6: Take away the number you have thought from the answer, that is, subtract the answer from the number you have thought.

                Answer: 15 


1--Mike was investigating a murder scene with his 2 police man. The suspects are Trish [her sister]. Dave [her partner] and Jordan [her dad]. Then Mike found a note with numbers and letters. It looks like this: t1 pip 515

2--There is a hidden treasure in one of the three rooms titled 'LION' , 'BEER' and 'HORSE' and three keys numbered as 15, 17 and 19.A suggestion quote says : a 180 degree turn makes you earn. Can you find the right key and room combination to find the treasure ?

3--Why didn't the chicken fly?

4--What do dog and tree have in common?

5--A man was playing blackjack at a local casino, the first hand he got a blackjack, the second hand he lost, the next hand he got a blackjack the next one he lost and the next one he lost, leaving a very sad man with no money he lost every single hand, how is this possible?

For Solution refer SOLUTION 13/1/2012

Thursday, January 12, 2012

SOLUTION 12/1/2012


1--Anything that has the same letter in a row can go through. Tree has 2 e 's egg has 2 g 's and wall has 2 l 's while all the other words don't have letters twice in a row.

2--A river ( a river mouth and a river bed)

3--The word SWIMS

4--I am love!

5--Ans is 3.You de-code the numbers by telling the bouncer the sum of all the letters. (other examples: four would be four, three would be five and fifty would be five)


1--An egg can go through, but a bird can't. A tree can go through but a branch can't. A wall can go through but a window can't. What can pass through the green glass door?

2--I have a bed but do not sleep on it I have a mouth but do not eat with it what am I?

3--What 5 letter word can you write in capitals and when you turn it round, it still spells the same word upside down?

4--The answer to this riddle has a hole in the middle and some have been known to fall in it.
In tennis it's nothing but it can be received,
And sometimes a person may win it.
Not meant to be bought but it may yet be perceived,
Like princes and news it's in clover.
The answer to this riddle has a hole in the middle,
And without it one cannot start over.

What am I?

5--John wishes to get into a club. He knows that the club requiers a code. He stands around the corner and listens to two people get past the bouncer.

The bouncer tells Bert to de-code six, Bert reply's with three and gets in.

The bouncer then tells Fred to de-code Twelve, Fred reply's with six and gets in.

Right now John is quite confident that he can get in, he walks to the bouncer and is told to de-code ten. John happily replys with five but is not let in.

What is the number he should have said to get in and how do you de-code it?

For Solution refer SOLUTION 12/1/2012

Wednesday, January 11, 2012


Trick 2: Any Number
Step1: Think of any number.
Step2: Subtract the number you have thought with 1.
Step3: Multiply the result with 3.
Step4: Add 12 with the result.
Step5: Divide the answer by 3.
Step6: Add 5 with the answer.
Step7: Take away the number you have thought from the answer, that is, subtract the answer from the number you have thought. 

SOLUTION 11/1/2012


1--I am the law.

2--I am flowers.

3--If the acid can burn through anything, it can burn through the pot. Not only the pot, but everything, so he would've had nothing in the first place.

4--I am a statute.

5--I am a racecar!


1--I can easily be broken, yet, no one touches me. What am I?

2--I can grow, and eat.
I love water.
On hot weeks I may die.
I also can come in assorted colors.
Most people call me gorgeous.

What am I?

3--A scientist claims that he has discovered an acid that can burn through anything. He learns a bit more about it before putting it in a pot and explaining to some of his co-workers. After about 20 minutes of talking, a man stands up and says "You're a fraud!" why does he say this?

4--I stand tall. I can be any shape or size. It's hard to break me. I can be made of anything. As long I stand tall. What am I?

5--I am a word, a thing, a one.
I'm read both ways, still the same to come.
I can be colorful, a flash of blue.
or maybe a scarlet, or purple too.
I'm in races, you need to be in me.
to start my heart beating to your nice mystery.
If you win, however, this race of new fun,
a trophy is given, of you, and you're DONE.

For Solution refer SOLUTION 11/1/2012

Tuesday, January 10, 2012


Trick 1: Number below 10
Step1: Think of a number below 10.
Step2: Double the number you have thought.
Step3: Add 6 with the getting result.
Step4: Half the answer, that is divide it by 2.
Step5: Take away the number you have thought from the answer, that is, subtract the answer from the number you have thought.

Answer: 3

SOLUTION 10/1/2012

1--He was a bald so he has no use for a comb.

2--Go through the holes where the windows and doors used to be!

3--We are vowels a-e-i-o-u!

4--I am a mirror.

5--I am the word "eye".


1--A bald man loves the color orange that everything in his house is color orange. Orange TV, Orange Sofa, Orange Refrigerator, etc. Everything is really orange. One day, he saw a red comb on the table. He immediately threw it away. Why did he throw it away?

2--You're in a room, with 4 walls a ceiling and a floor. There are no windows and no doors. How do you get out?

3--We're five little items of an everyday sort. You'll find us all in a tennis court. What are we?

4--Look in my face and I am everybody.
Scratch my back and I am nobody.
Let me go and so will your luck,
When the timing is right you will be struck.
One walked through me with an open mind,
While others look confused by my design.
Not always there to horrify,
Many more may multiply.
Speak to me, for I say no lies,
I am known as a truth teller, I can't be denied.

What am I?

5--Speak me with one, spell me with three;
Look through my window and surely you'll see; Forwards or backwards, I am still me.

For Solution refer SOLUTION 10/1/2012

Monday, January 9, 2012


Day of the Date

Day of the Week:
January has 31 days. It means that every date in February will be 3 days later than the same date in January(28 is 4 weeks exactly). The below table is calculated in such a way. Remember this table which will help you to calculate.

Step1: Ask for the Date. Ex: 23rd June 1986
Step2: Number of the month on the list, June is 4.
Step3: Take the date of the month, that is 23
Step4: Take the last 2 digits of the year, that is 86.
Step5: Find out the number of leap years. Divide the last 2 digits of the year by 4, 86 divide by 4 is 21.
Step6: Now add all the 4 numbers: 4 + 23 + 86 + 21 = 134.
Step7: Divide 134 by 7 = 19 remainder 1.
The reminder tells you the day.

SOLUTION 9/1/2012

1--It's Marie because Marie's dad is the English teacher.

2--An eye!

3--Ten carrot seeds. Mushrooms don't have seeds.

4--Ted shrugged and said: The score is 0-0! He was right because he bet the money for guessing the score BEFORE THE GAME STARTED!

5--The elephant's shadow!


1--I know this girl named Marie and her dad is an English teacher. He is obsessed with vowels. He has five daughters. He names the first one ChaCha, the second one CheChe, the third one ChiChi, the fourth one ChoCho. What does he name the fifth one?

2--I am said by one letter.
I'm spelled with three.
2 Letters in me.
Im double or single,
Or brown, blue, or green.
I'm read from both ends,
And the same the other way.
What am I?

3--There is a magic garden that will grow any seed you plant in it forever. However, you can only put ten seeds in the garden. You have a choice to put in ten carrot seeds or ten mushroom seeds. How many of each seed do you plant in the garden?

4--There are 2 guys Ted and Fred. Ted bets Fred $100 that he can guess the score of the game before the game even starts! He is right, and Fred is flabbergasted! How does Ted know and what is the score?

5--I look like the elephant and I'm as big as the elephant but I don't have weight at all. What am I?

For solution Refer SOLUTION 9/1/2012

Sunday, January 8, 2012

SOLUTION 8/1/2012

1--On Monday cut off 1 pound of gold. On Tuesday cut two pounds off and get your 1 pound back. On Wednesday cut 3 pounds off and get your two pounds back. On Thursday give him one pound. On Friday give him your two pounds and get your one pound back. On Saturday give him 1 pound so you only have one pound left. Then on Sunday give him your last remaining pound of gold.

2--A cheetah (cheater) and lion (lying).

3--I am a blank!


5--A mystery.(I have told you earlier!)


1---A friend gives you a 7 pound bar of gold.  You have to give him back the same amount in a week. If you don't he gets to keep all your belongings.  You can only cut the bar of gold 3 times and you have to give him 1 pound each day.  Wh/at is the solution?

2---What two animals do you not want to play cards with?

3---You can draw me, fire me, or fill me in. What am I?

4--You can break me but I don't weigh more than paper. What am I?

5---I am a mystery. You can find me on this world. I am not an animal, and neither a place, or a person. What am I?

For Solution Refer: 8/1/2012