Sunday, July 31, 2011

SOLUTION 31/07/2011

1--Get off the merry-go-round.

2--A teapot!

3--Water, Fire, Earth, and Wind

4--Are you dead?


1--You are running. There is a cliff to your right, two horses at full speed in front of you, a lion matching your pace to the left, and an angry bear behind you. How do you get out alive?

2--What starts with T ends with T and is full of T?

3--There were four brothers who were born in this world together.

One runs but is never weary,
One eats but is never full,
One drinks but is never thirsty,
One sings a song that is never good.

Who are they?

4--What question can you NEVER answer 'YES' to?

For Solution refer SOLUTION 31/07/2011

Saturday, June 25, 2011

SOLUTION 25/06/2011



3--first man will take goose along wid him in next round he will take fox wid him nd while returnin he will get back goose wid him nd den in next round he will take corn with him nd leave it on another side nd will return alone and den he will get goose back to another side...


1--What can run but never walks, has a mouth but never talks, has    a head but never weeps, and has a bed but never sleeps??

2--What is it that the person who makes it doesn't need it. The   person who buys it does not need it for themselves and the   person who uses it doesn't know it?

3--A man went on a trip with a fox, a goose, and a sack of corn.       He came upon a stream which he had to cross and found a tiny      boat to use to cross the stream. He could only take himself     and    one other - the fox, the goose, or the corn - at a time. He    could    not leave the fox alone with the goose or the goose     alone with    the corn. How does he get all safely over the     stream?

For solution refer SOLUTION 25/06/2011

Friday, June 24, 2011

SOLUTION 24/06/2011






1---When is four half of five?

2---What is full of holes but still holds water?

3---Imagine you are in a sinking rowboat surrounded by sharks. How would you survive?

4---There was an airplane crash, every single person died, but two people survived. How is this possible?

For solution refer SOLUTION 24/06/2011

Monday, June 20, 2011



A Sardar and an American are seated next to each other on a flight from
Los Angeles to New York . The American asks if he would
like to play a fun-game.

The Sardar, tired, just wants to take a nap, so he
politely declines and
rolls over to the window to catch a few winks.

The American persists and explains that the game is easy
and a lot of fun.

He says, "I ask you a question, and if you don't know
the answer, you pay me $5, and vice versa."

Again, the Sardar declines and tries to get some sleep.

The American, now worked up, says, "Okay, if you don't
know the answer, you pay me $5,
and if I don't know the answer, I'll pay you $500."

This gets the sardar's attention and, figuring there
will be no end to this torment,
agrees to the game.

The American asks the first question, "What's the
distance from the earth to the moon?"

The Sardar doesn't say a word, reaches into his wallet,
pulls out a $5 bill and
hands it to the American.

"Okay," says the American, "Your turn."

So the Sardar asks, "What goes up a hill with three legs
and comes down with four legs?"

The American thinks about it. No answer.

Puzzled, he takes out his laptop computer and searches
all his references. No answer!

He taps into the air-phone with his modem and searches
the Internet and the Library of Congress. No answer.

Frustrated, he sends e-mails to all his friends and

Checks the input. All to no avail!

Finally, a long time later, he wakes the Sardar and
hands him $500.

The Sardar thanks him and turns back to get his sleep.

The American, more than a little miffed, stirs the
Sardar and asks,

"Well, what's the answer?"

Without a word, the Sardar reaches into his purse, hands
the American $5,

and goes back to sleep!

Sunday, June 19, 2011

SOLUTION 19/06/2011

1--An address!

2--Brittany. Look at the first letter of every statement.(B-R-I-T-T-A-N) The last statement starts with "WHY" which is meant to be the letter "Y".

3--On a clock! It is 11 o'clock and 4 hours later, it's 3 o'clock.

4--You probably thought 30. Actually it is 27, because on the 27th day, when the frog, like always, goes 3 meters up, it will arrive to the 30th meter of the well and get out, without the need of getting again 2 meters down.


1--What dress does everyone have but no one wears?

2--Be very careful, it brings danger.
Read the words between the lines, not on.
It is tricky, but you shall get it.
The trick is to figure out the name hidden within.
That's easy to do, just listen to what I say.
A riddle can have a double meaning.
Now figure out the name.
Why have I told you this, and what is the name?

3--The sky is falling Chicken Little said,
The moon is made of green cheese.
And when you add 4 to 11,
The answer is sometimes 3.

Well said Henny Penny,
The last thing you said is true.
How can this be?

4--There was a frog that fell down inside a well. The well is 30 meters deep. Every day, the frog goes up 3 meters then goes down 2 meters. The question is this: how many days does it take the frog to get out of the well completely?

For solution refer SOLUTION 19/06/2011

Sunday, June 12, 2011


10. Seven Mile Bridge

The Seven Mile Bridge, in the Florida Keys, runs over a channel between the Gulf of Mexico and the Florida Strait, connecting Key Vaca (the location of the city if Marathon, Florida) in the Middle Keys to Little Duck Key in the Lower Keys. Among the longest bridges in existence when it was built, it is one of the many bridges on US 1 in the Keys, where the road is called the Overseas Highway.

9. San Mateo-Hayward Bridge

The San Mateo-Hayward Bridge (commonly called San Mateo Bridge) is a bridge crossing California's San Francisco Bay in the United states, linking the San Francisco Peninsula with the East Bay. More specifically, the bridge's western end is in Foster City, the most recent urban addition to the eastern edge of San mateo. The eastern end of the bridge is in Hayward. The bridge is owned by the state of California, and is maintained by Caltrans, the state highway agency.

8. Confedration Bridge

The Confederation Bridge (French: Pont de la Confederation) is a bridge spanning the Abegweit Passage of Northumberland Starit, linking Prince Edward Island with mainland New Brunkswick, Canada. It was commonly referred to as the "Fixed Link" by residents of Prince Edward Island prior to its official naming. Construction took place from all the fall of 1993 to the spring of 1997, costing $1.3 billion. The 12.9 kilometre (8 mile) long bridge opened on 31 May 1997.

7. Rio-Niteroi Bridge

The Rio-Niteroi Bridge is a reinforced concrete structure that connects the cities of Rio de Janerio and Niteroi in Brazil. Construction began symbolically on August 23, 1968, in the presence of Queen Elizabeth II of the United Kingdom and Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh, in their first and thus far only visit to Brazil. Actual work begun in January, 1969, and it opened on March 4, 1974. Its official name is "President Costa e Silva Bridge", in honor of the Brazilian president who ordered its construction. "Rio-Niteroi" started as a descriptive nickname that soon became better known than the official name. Today, hardly anyone referes to it by its oficial name.

6. Penang Bridge

The Penang Bridge (jambatan Pulau Pinang in Malay) E 36 is a dual-carriageway toll bridge that connects Gelugor on the island of Penang and Seberang Prai on the mainland of Malaysia on the Malay Peninsula. The bridge is also linked to the Norht-South Expressway in Prai and Jelutong Expressway in Penang. It was officially opened to traffic on September 14, 1085. The total length of the bridge is 13..5 (8.4 miles), making it among the longest bridges in the world, the longest bridge in the country as well as a national landmark. PLUS Expressway Berhad is the concession holder which manages it.

5. Vasco da Gama Bridge

The Vasco da Gama Bridge (Portuguese: Ponte Vasco da Gama, pron is a cable-stayed bridge flanked by viaducts and roads that spans the Tagus River near Lisbon, capital of Portual. It is the longest bridge in Europe (including viaducts), with a total length of 17.2 km (10.7 miles), including 0.829 km (0.5 miles) for the main bridge, 11.5 kms (7.1 miles) in viaducts, and 4.8 km (3.0 miles) in dedicated access roads. Its purpose is to alleviate the congeston on Lisbon's other bridge (25 de Abril Bridge), and to join previously unconnected motorways radiating from Lisbon.

4. Chesapeake Bay Bridge

The Chesapeake Bay Bridge (commonly known as the Bay Bridge) is a major dual-span bridge in the US State of Maryland; spanning the Chesapeake Bay, it connects the state's Eastern and Western Shore regions. At 4.3 miles (7km) in length, the original span was the world's longest continous over-water steel structure when it opened in 1952. The bridge is officially named the William Preston Lane, Jr. Memorial Bridge after William Preston Lane, Jr. who, as governor of Maryland, implemented its construction.

3. King Fahd Causeway

The King Fahd Causeway is multiple dike-bridge combination connecting Khobar, Saudi Arabia, and the island nation of Bahrain. A construction agreement signed on July 8, 1981 by King Fahd of Saudi Arabia and Sheikh Isa bin Salman al-Khalifa of Bharain; construction continued until 1986, when the coombination of sevral bridges and dams were completed. The causeway officially opened for use on November 25, 1986.

2. Donghai Bridge

Donghai Bridge (literally "East Sea Grand Bridge") is the longest cross-sea bridge in the world and the longest bridge in Asia. It was completed on December 10, 2005. It has a total length of 32.5 kilometers (20.2 miles) and connects Shanghai and the offshore Yangshan deep-water port in China. Most of the bridge is a low-level viaduct. There are also cable-stayed sections to allow for the passage of large ships, largest with span of 420 m.

1. Lake Pontchartrain Causeway

The Lake Pontchartrain Causeway, or the Causeway, consists of two parallel bridges that are the longest bridges in the world by total length. These parallel bridges cross Lake Pontchartrain in southern Louisiana. The longer of the two bridges is 23.87 miles (38.42 km) long. The bridges are supported by over 9,000 concrete 8 miles (13 kms) south of the north shore. The southern terminus of the Causeway is in Metairie, Louisiana, a suburb of New Orleans. The northern terminus is at Mandeville, Louisiana. 

SOLUTION 12/06/2011

1--10 equals 3 because it has 3 letters and 12 equals 6 because it has 6 letters and 6=3 because it has 3 letters.

2--The answer is "5". The countersign is always the number of letters of the number that the guard gives. ("six" has 3 letters and "twelve" has 6 letters. After the two soldiers passed, the first spy thought the answer was the half of the number that the guard gave (like what you also might have thought), so he answered 5 when the guard said 10, which was wrong as ten has 3 letters)

3--I am a riddle.

4--There is no water in the glass!


then why doesn't
(and what does 10 equal?)

2--Two spies want to get in an enemy's military base.In order to get in they have to give the correct countersign to the guard at the gate after he gives them the sign. So they wait hidden nearby the gate so that they will overhear the countersign from another soldier.

One soldier comes and the guard gives the sign: "6".The soldier answers "3".The guard lets him pass. Another soldier comes.The guard says "12" and the soldier gives the answer "6".The guard lets him pass. So, the first spy goes at the gate and the guard asks says "10".The spy, sure that he knew the answer as he was, says "5". Immediately, the guard shoots him dead.

Then the other spy, who saw that the other spy was killed when he gave the countersign, had now understood what the right answer would be, whatever the guard's sign was.So, he walks to the gate and the guard says "8".The spy gives the correct answer and the guard lets him in. What was the answer that the spy gave?

3--You ponder and think
but try not to sink
you stumble over these words
take a look at it all.

What am I?

4--A 6 foot tall magician holds a water glass above his head, then he drops it but not a drop comes out. How?

For Solution refer SOLUTION 12/06/2011

Saturday, June 11, 2011


Aries is the sign of the entrepreneur.  Think of those traits that make up a successful entrepreneur… they are bright and hard working, most comfortable working as a one man show, love to be the first to discover and present things to the world, and rarely allow others to dominate them.  Now imagine these traits in a child.  Your Aries child will most likely be energetic, innovative, and will have a deep desire to be #1 in life.  Aries children remind me of a cross between Leos and Capricorns.  They often have Leo’s need for the limelight and Capricorn’s workaholic nature.  Like Leos, Aries are fire signs and are therefore very dynamic personalities with no desire whatsoever to be bossed around.  While goats symbolize Capricorn, rams symbolize Aries.  Both are strong climbers and will butt heads with you when provoked.  

Whenever I think of Taurus, I think of Ferdinand the Bull.  He prefers to sit peacefully in a beautiful field of clover happily munching away the hours.  However, wave that red flag and he is charging with horns down at full speed like a locomotive.  It is just as difficult to stop him once he has begun charging as it is to get him up out of the clover to begin with.  Such is the case with your Taurus child.  They will be a peaceful happy soul for the most part, but it will not take very long before you realize they are one of the most stubborn signs in the zodiac.  Once motivated, they will work very hard and they seldom do anything foolish without thinking through the consequences first.  

Two of my all-time favorite singer/songwriters are Gemini.  My sister has Gemini twin daughters.  One of my son’s best friends is a Gemini.  I have known a few others through friends of friends and such too.  There is one common thread woven between all of them that I have never seen discussed in the books that define the different zodiac signs.  All of the Gemini people I have ever known are hungry.  Yes, they are verbally skilled and often love music, but there is an underlying hunger in each of them.  It is as if they are searching for something, some missing piece of their life.  Perhaps it is that endless search for some unattainable element that makes them who they are.  How do you help your Gemini child find peace within himself at an early age?

Everyone always says that Cancer’s children are moody and they grow up to be moody adults.  I have to disagree.  All of the Cancers that I have ever met were rather stable emotionally speaking.  They can be a bit volatile when they feel attacked and they are like a lioness protecting those they love, but they are not moody while doing so.  They are not as short-tempered as an Aries and not as long-tempered as a Taurus.  They are not as sensitive as a Pisces and not as insensitive as a Sagittarius.  (Now don’t be angry at that statement, Sagittarians are infamous for poking fun at others and often do not realize that they may have hurt the other person’s feelings.  I didn’t say they were without a heart, they just are not always as sensitive as some would like them to be.)  All things equal, a Cancer is somewhere in the middle of all of the emotional extremes.  It’s their sharp tongue that makes people so aware of what they are feeling.

Leo’s children are much more sensitive then people think.  They can walk around like little kings wearing crowns, but almost every Leo adult I have ever met is carrying around a deep haunting childhood wound.  They are also more insensitive then people think.  These same adults can write you off as a loser in a heartbeat and will probably never change their minds.  Even if they did find out later that they were wrong about you, they would still blame you for having misrepresented yourself.  Those Leos that are lucky enough to have happy healthy childhoods are incredible leaders with a charisma and charm that is unlike any other.  How do you make sure your little Leo turns out well?

Virgo children are usually quite easy to raise.  They are neat, organized, and have a gentle sense of humor that you will enjoy.  They are rarely hateful and mean.  They are so well behaved that I think most parents just sort of leave them to themselves since they are like miniature adults.  One of the hardest things about being a really good kid is that you melt into the woodwork and nobody notices you anymore.  Virgo children are seldom the in your face types, demanding that Mommy and Daddy ‘look at me, look at me!’  They are often the ‘goodly child’ hidden behind the more dynamic and boisterous children.  We are so relieved to have the low maintenance Virgo child, that we often ignore their deeper emotional needs while we focus on our other children.  Many adult Virgos have a quiet loneliness in their eyes that they pretend is not really there.  However, it is there, and it effects many of their decisions and choices as adults.  They will give and give of themselves without really allowing anyone else into their inner world, because they really do not know how to connect on a deeper level.  They just know how to be the ‘good kid’ and from their perspective that means not needing anything from anyone.

People often think of Libras as soft gentle loving souls who simply want to shop, dine by candlelight, and talk your ear off.  The truth is that Libra’s children are some of the kindest most diplomatic dictators you will ever meet.  They fight for justice and will make sure that the underdog gets his day of glory.  Libra is the personification of the concept ‘kill them with kindness’ and ‘honey attracts more than vinegar’.  Do not make the mistake of thinking that your chatty Libra is an airhead.  They are brilliant and often have a mission in mind.  Yes, there are plenty of times that they simply want someone to talk to for companionship’s sake, but quite often they are analyzing how to improve the world around them.

Scorpios get a lot of bad press.  They are vindictive, mean, and obsessed with sex.  That’s not really fair.  Scorpio rules the house of sharing.  They are the stewards of sharing money, resources, love, and yes sharing each other’s bodies.  It is their deepest most spiritual need to be completely connected, loved, and sharing from the depth of their soul.  It is from this place that they are so easily hurt.  Wounded Scorpios are a force to be reckoned with and yes, they are famously ruthless and cruel.  How do you keep your own Scorpio child from becoming obsessive and mean?

When I was a young teenager, I was a natural leader of our group of girls who had all become friends.  During our first year in High School, our group was split up over two different lunch periods with half of us going to the first lunch and half going to the second lunch.  The group of girls who had a different lunch then my own had found a new hero.  They talked about her constantly.  She was smart, funny, exciting, enthusiastic, cheerful, clever, and extremely extroverted.  They sang her praises constantly and being a very insecure teenage girl, I was a nervous wreck that they would love her more then me and would no longer look up to me as their leader.  I was becoming more and more insecure that she would kick me off of my pedestal and take all of my friends away from me.  

You don’t raise a Capricorn child; they have no need of parenting in the classical sense.  Capricorn children are little old kings who cannot quite remember where they are or where they have placed their crowns.  Being a Capricorn child is like being a brilliant adult and having partial amnesia, you know that you know everything about everything but you just cannot quite remember it at the moment.  You do not want to let on to everyone around you that you do not have a clue what the adults are talking about, so you simply wing it and join in with the belief that any minute now you really will know what is being discussed and will not appear foolish or stupid.  They walk around with their heads held high as if they have not lost their crown and soon enough, they become natural leaders.

So, you are raising an Aquarius child… boy do you have your work cut out for you!  Aquarius children are ruled by the same planet that rules electricity and group activities.  These kids are popular and funny.  They are natural leaders not from a place of wanting to lead but from a natural charisma, that simply attracts followers.  They are eccentric and pride themselves on being unique individuals.  These are the kids who not only pull the household electronics apart just to see how they work but can also put them back together again.  Do not be surprised if your vacuum cleaner or VCR works even better after they finish exploring the inner workings.  Aquarius children are extremely intelligent and use that intelligence to create daily adventures for themselves.  You had better be on your toes.  This is not a mild mannered child content to sit sweetly by your side calmly coloring in their color books.  This is an action packed fun filled adventure loving best friend to all children and animals that cross their paths.

In general, Pisces is misunderstood and ends up as a loner.  They love people and have a deep desire to connect on a spiritual soul-to-soul level, but they end up protecting themselves behind walls for their own safety.  People think they are soft and wishy-washy but in reality, they are quite stubborn and from birth to grave, they remain true to themselves.  You can argue until you are blue in the face and you can even beat your Pisces child into submission, but the truth is that as soon as you are not looking they will go right back to what they were doing because it suits them.  You have to show them how to be true to themselves without angering everyone else.  They are not the only nonconformists in the zodiac, but they do not typically have the skills to make themselves understood by others and I am not so sure that they even care if people really understand them.

Thursday, June 9, 2011


1. Ushiku Daibutsu, Ushiku, Japan

The Ushiku Daibutsu located in Ushiku, Ibaraki Prefecture, Japan, is the world’s tallest freestanding bronze statue. Completed in 1995, it stands a total of 120m above the ground, including the 10m high base and 10m high lotus platform. An elevator takes visitors up to 85m off the ground, where an observation floor is located.
1 1 Top 10 Highest Monuments around the World
1 2 Top 10 Highest Monuments around the World
1 3 Top 10 Highest Monuments around the World
2. Buddhist statue of Guanyin, Sanya, China

Sanya is located on Hainan, the smallest province of the People’s Republic of China located off the southern coast of the country. Yalong Wan is a local park that located at a beach 7.5 km southeast of Sanya City. The highlight of the park is the a 108-meter Buddhist statue of Guanyin. This statue was completed in May 2005 and is one of the tallest statues in the world.
2 1 Top 10 Highest Monuments around the World
2 2 Top 10 Highest Monuments around the World
2 3 Top 10 Highest Monuments around the World
2 4 Top 10 Highest Monuments around the World
3. Yellow Chinese emperors Huangdi and Yandi, China
Yellow Chinese emperors Huangdi and Yandi. China. 103 meters tall.
3 1 Top 10 Highest Monuments around the World
3 2 Top 10 Highest Monuments around the World
3 3 Top 10 Highest Monuments around the World
4. Motherland, Kiev, Ukraine
Kiev’s statue of the Motherland, a memorial of the Great Patriotic War (World War II). The statue itself is 62 meters tall, the overall height is 102 meters.
4 1 Top 10 Highest Monuments around the World
4 2 Top 10 Highest Monuments around the World
4 3 Top 10 Highest Monuments around the World
5. Statue of Peter I, Moscow, Russia

statue of Peter I on the bank of the Moskva River is one of the tallest outdoor sculptures in the world.
5 1 Top 10 Highest Monuments around the World
5 2 Top 10 Highest Monuments around the World
5 3 Top 10 Highest Monuments around the World
6. Statue of Liberty, Liberty Island, New York

Liberty Enlightening the World, known more commonly as the Statue of Liberty, is a colossal statue given to the United States by France in 1886, standing at Liberty Island, New York in the mouth of the Hudson River in New York Harbor as a welcome to all visitors, immigrants, and returning Americans.
6 1 Top 10 Highest Monuments around the World
6 2 Top 10 Highest Monuments around the World
6 3 Top 10 Highest Monuments around the World
7. “The Motherland” statue, Volgograd, Russia
“The Motherland” is a monumental statue by sculptor Yevgeny Vuchetich commemorating the Battle of Stalingrad and dedicated in 1967. The significant structural engineering challenges of the 84 meter tall, 7900 ton sculpture were handled by Nikolai Nikitin. Measured from the tip of her sword to the top of the plinth, the distance is 85 meters. It is located on Mamayev Kurgan in Volgograd.
7 1 Top 10 Highest Monuments around the World
7 2 Top 10 Highest Monuments around the World
8. Statue of Lanshan Buddha, Lanshan, China

Buddha near Lanshan. China, Lanshan. 71 meters tall.
8 1 Top 10 Highest Monuments around the World
8 2 Top 10 Highest Monuments around the World
9. Buddha of Bamyan, Afghanistan

The Buddha of Bamyan were monumental statue of standing Buddha carved into the side of a cliff in the Bamyan valley of central Afghanistan, situated 230 km northwest of Kabul. 55 meters tall. It were destroyed by the Taliban in 2001. Japan, Switzerland, and UNESCO, among others, have pledged support for the rebuilding of the statues.
9 1 Top 10 Highest Monuments around the World
9 2 Top 10 Highest Monuments around the World
9 3 Top 10 Highest Monuments around the World
10. Christ the Redeemer, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

Christ the Redeemer is a large Art Deco-style statue of Jesus Christ in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. The statue stands 32 m tall, weighs 1000 tons and is located at the peak of the 710-m Corcovado mountain in the Tijuca Forest National Park, overlooking the city.
As well as being a potent symbol of Christianity, the statue has become an icon of the city.
10 1 Top 10 Highest Monuments around the World
10 2 Top 10 Highest Monuments around the World
10 3 Top 10 Highest Monuments around the World

SOLUTION 09/06/2011

1--The two children will go first then one will stay back and the second will return the boat to their parents. The mother will cross. The child that's at the end of the river will return the boat and carry his brother, he leaves his brother there. Then he returns the boat to the father. The father enters the boat and cross. The other child brings the boat back, takes his brother and joins the parents.

2--Glass. It's a greenhouse. As in growing plants.


4--You throw the ball up.


1--There is a family, they intend on crossing a river with a boat that can take 70kg. The father weighs 70kg, the mother weighs 70kg and the two children weigh 35kg each. How will they cross the river?

2--A man walks down a street filled with different colored houses. He passes a red house made with red brick. A black house made with black brick. A yellow house made with yellow brick. He also passes an orange house made with orange brick. Next to the orange house, he sees a green house. What is the green house made of?

3--What word has 26 letters but only 3 syllables?

4--You pick up a ball and throw it. In mid flight the ball turns around and lands back in your hand. How is that possible?

For solution refer SOLUTION 09/06/2011


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